vernissage la fleur
L’Exposition La Fleur, qui a eu lieu Jeudi 21 et Vendredi 22 Mai 2015, a regroupé plus d’une trentaine de toiles, toutes peintes à l’huile.
Cela fait 2 ans que ces fleurs, de toutes tailles et pleines de couleurs, ont vu le jour dans mon atelier.
La Fleur événement sur FB
The beauty you see in me is a reflection of YOU! -Rumi
Ci-dessous, quelques images des toiles qui ont été exposées durant cette expo.

kabeni – oil painting by yous

6 pointed butterfly flower – oil painting by yous

fouziben – oil painting by yous

tournesol – oil painting by yous

yellowyous – oil painting by yous

pink 5 flower on red background – oil painting by yous

8 flower – oil painting by yous

eL – oil painting by yous

miniature eL – oil painting by yous

10 flower medium – oil painting by yous

8 pointed sunflower pink frame – oil painting by yous

one sunflower – oil painting by yous

moon & tree – oil painting by yous

tree in youslandia – oil painting by yous

5 pointed flowers – oil painting by yous

love sunflowers – oil painting by yous

10 flower large – oil painting by yous

long pink helix heart

tall blue 5 flowers

tall purple hibiscus flowers

daynight daisy

tall 9 flower hibiscuses

poinsettia with 4 eyes – oil painting by yous

small pink 8 flower – oil painting by yous

sunflower & twins

sunflower 11 + dancers, oil painting by yous

alchemy – oil painting by yous

3 giant sunflowers – oil painting by yous